DR4205SC-Series Readers are built to support the latest developments in contactless SmartCards and let owners keep pace with this emerging technology. Besides standard reading of non-secured Smartcard Chip serial numbers, the DR4205SC is specially made to access encrypted memory sectors of today's SmartCards. Providing secure, convenient and flexible project handling, the DR4205SC is more than a reader, it is a SmartCard sub-system for access control, incorporating encryption, key-management and data conversion functionality.
The unique Configuration Card concept for project individual settings of security keys and various functional parameters allows true ownership of project secrets and independent card sourcing by the system owner.
With the additional Multi-Configuration capability, different user card types can be accepted at the same time through one reader.
This is an important feature which allows to:
- Move to a different user card type with smooth transition
- Changing secret project keys in the running system without replacing all user cards at a time
- Parallel use of different card types within a project
- Make use of public cards (e.g. National ID-Cards, Driver Licenses, Health Cards, Banking Cards) for the access control system
The DR4205SC has a micro-processor which enables client specific functions. It serves as the platform for our smartcard support and consultancy services, keeping the complexity at our experts and providing a maximum of convenience for installation, service and usage.
Specyfikacja produktu
Opis czytnika:
Mifare, IP45, z klawiaturą
13.3 x 14.6 x 3.8
Do montażu na zewnątrz:
Częstotliwość transmisji [kHz]:
Częstotliwość odbiornika [kHz]:
Czas odczytu karty [s]:
Napięcie zasilania [VDC]:
Połączenie ze sterownikiem:
wbudowany brzęczyk oraz 3-kolorowa dioda LED